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Navigating Weight Changes During Menopause: Causes, Consequences, and Control Strategies

Navigating Weight Changes During Menopause: Causes, Consequences, and Control Strategies

Discover the relationship between menopause and weight changes. Uncover the factors contributing to weight gain and shifts in body composition and learn valuable tips for maintaining a healthy weight, boosting body confidence and fostering a positive body image during menopause. 

Let's face it ladies, menopause can feel like a roller coaster of physical and emotional changes. One change often noticed, and rued, is that sneaky creeping weight gain and alterations in body composition. It's a common tale, yet shrouded with myths and misunderstandings.

This post aims to shed light on the complexities of weight changes in menopause while providing hands-on strategies to maintain a healthy weight, promote body confidence, and adopt a positive body image.

A special mention will also be given to the potential role of NAD+ in menopause-associated weight changes, assuming suitable evidence is available. 

Menopause and Weight Changes: What’s the Link?

The menopause phase, usually occurring between 45-55 years of age, is a natural part of aging for women. It comes with a reduction in estrogen, a hormone that appears to play a significant part in maintaining an ideal weight and body composition. [1]

When estrogen levels dip during menopause, women may experience an increased appetite and decreased metabolism, both of which can lead to weight gain. [2]

  • Increased body fat: Menopause often leads to an accumulation of fat in the abdomen area, compared to hips and thighs. This phenomenon, termed "central obesity" has been associated with metabolic and cardiovascular risks. [3] 
  • Loss of muscle mass: With age comes a decline in muscle mass called sarcopenia. This condition is accelerated by menopause, further slowing the metabolism and contributing to weight gain. [4] 

The NAD+ Connection: Does It Exist? 

Living at the intersection of science and speculation is the potential role of NAD+, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, in menopause and weight changes. NAD+ is a key player in energy metabolism and the aging process.

A decline in NAD+ has been associated with metabolic disorders and age-related diseases. [5] Theoretically, boosting NAD+ levels may help support metabolic function and therefore could potentially mitigate weight gain during menopause.

However, current research is limited and further studies are necessary to substantiate these claims. [6]. 

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight and Foster Positive Body Image During Menopause

Navigating menopause isn't always a walk in the park, but neither does it need to be an impossible mountain to climb. Here are a few tips to help you maintain a healthy weight and foster a positive view of your transforming body. 

  1. Embrace physical activity: Exercise can combat muscle loss, improve metabolism, and promote cardiovascular health. Incorporating a mix of aerobic, strength, and flexibility training can lend a helping hand. [7] 
  2. Mind your nutrition: Opt for a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. [8] 
  3. Practice mindfulness: Engaging in practices like yoga and meditation can help alleviate stress and promote a positive body image. [9]


  1. Why do women gain weight during menopause? Women tend to gain weight during menopause because of hormonal changes such as decreased estrogen, increased appetite, and decreased metabolism. [2]
  2. What is NAD+ and how is it related to weight changes during menopause? NAD+ is a molecule involved in energy metabolism and aging. While a decline in NAD+ has been connected to metabolic disorders, the link between NAD+ and menopausal weight changes is not yet thoroughly established. [5,6]
  3. What are some ways to maintain a healthy weight and positive body image during menopause? Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and mindfulness practices can assist in maintaining a healthy weight and fostering a positive body image during menopause. [7,8,9] 

Menopause, a natural phase of a woman's life, often comes packaged with weight changes. These changes can be challenging, but arming ourselves with knowledge can help us navigate this new terrain.

Regular movement, mindful eating, and nurturing positive thoughts can help maintain a healthy weight and foster body positivity.

While the potential role of NAD+ in menopause-associated weight changes is intriguing, more research is needed before concrete conclusions can be drawn.

Remember, every woman's experience of menopause is unique, thus individual approaches may vary. Embrace this transformative phase, it's a journey, not a destination! 

References Links Not checked 

[1]  "The reality of menopause weight gain", Mayo Clinic, 2023,   

[2]  Davis SR, Castelo-Branco C, Chedraui P, et al. "Understanding weight gain at menopause." Climacteric, 2012,  

[3]  Karvonen-Gutierrez, C. "Association of Mid-Life Changes in Body Size, Body Composition and Obesity Status with the Menopausal Transition. Healthcare, 2016,  

[4]  Shufelt, C. "Contraceptive Hormone Use and Cardiovascular Disease." Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2009. 

[5]  Rajman L, et al. "Therapeutic Potential of NAD-Boosting Molecules: The In Vivo Evidence." Cell Metabolism, 2018. 

[6]  Cynthia Tannous et al. " Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: Biosynthesis, consumption and therapeutic role in cardiac diseases." Acta Physiologica, 2021.  

[7]  "Menopause, Weight Gain, and Exercise Tips", WebMD, 2020  

[8]  "Eating to Ease Menopause Symptoms", WebMD, 2019  

[9]  " Menopause and mental health", Harvard Health Blog, 2020

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