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How Stress and Anxiety Impact Hair Loss: Tips for Managing the Connection

How Stress and Anxiety Impact Hair Loss: Tips for Managing the Connection

Stress and anxiety can trigger hair loss, a phenomenon many are unaware of. This article explores the complex relationship between these factors and provides practical tips for managing it. Learn about the potential role of NAD+ in mitigating stress-induced hair loss. 

Has it ever occurred to you that your hair loss can be related to your stress levels or bouts of anxiety? Yes, you read it right!  

Hair loss is not just about heredity or an unfortunate consequence of ageing.  

It indeed can be an alarming sign of the stress and anxiety you're shouldering. Scientific research has found substantial evidence linking hair loss to stress and anxiety [1].  

In this article, we get up close and personal with this lesser-known aspect of hair health, explore the role of NAD+ in this context, and offer effective methods to manage this modern-day predicament. 

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Stress, Anxiety and Hair Loss Demonstrate a Tangled Relationship 

Let's get all our ducks in a row before we proceed. Understanding how stress and anxiety impact your hair might alarm you a little, but knowledge is power, right? 

When Stress Pulls Your Hair Out – Literally 

Our bodies react to stress in inexplicable ways, and hair loss, is one by-product of it [2].  

One such condition associated with stress is Telogen Effluvium, causing hair to fall out, and creating an out-of-the-blue thinning hair situation.  

Then there's Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disorder, where the body's immune system, mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to bald patches [3]. 

Anxiety: A Hair-Raising Concern 

If you think stress is the only bad guy here, well, anxiety is no different!  

Chronic anxiety not only creates havoc with your mental health but also leads to disastrous effects on hair health.  

It can push hair follicles into the Telogen (resting) phase prematurely, wherein they stay put without producing new hair as they usually would. The result? Hair loss. [4]. 

NAD+ to the Rescue? 

Hang in there! In the drama of hair loss due to stress and anxiety, NAD+ might just play the saving grace you've been hoping for.  

Recent research suggests a promising role of NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), an essential coenzyme in all living cells, in countering stress-induced hair loss.  

Further studies are needed to establish this association, but there may give a glimmer of hope.  

Tips to Untangle the Knots Between Stress, Anxiety, and Hair Loss 

  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can increase your body's production of stress-reducing hormones, called endorphins. 
  • Eat Well: A balanced diet rich in proteins, zinc, and other essential nutrients can promote healthy hair growth. 
  • Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: Both can exacerbate stress and anxiety and could tip hair follicles into the resting stage prematurely. 
  • Get Plenty of Sleep: Proper rest rejuvenates your body and alleviates stress. 
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Yoga, meditation or simply deep breathing can reduce stress and anxiety. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Can hair loss from stress and anxiety be reversed? 
  2. What's the timeline for seeing improvements once managing stress and anxiety better? 
  3. What's the role of NAD+ in preventing hair loss? 
  4. Can a balanced diet alone stop hair loss due to stress and anxiety? 


Stress, anxiety, and hair loss, once you see the connection, it's almost like you're caught in a vicious circle.  

Breaking free calls for implementing stress and anxiety management techniques and perhaps giving NAD+ a shot, given the promising research data.  

After all, managing stress and anxiety isn't just about maintaining mental stability, it's also about preserving your lovely locks. 


[1]   Thom, (2016) Stress and the Hair Growth Cycle: Cortisol-Induced Hair Growth Disruption. 

[2]   Erin Bryant. (2021). How stress causes hair loss. 

[3]   Ina M Hadshiew, (2004). Burden of hair loss: stress and the underestimated psychosocial  impact of telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia. 

[4]   Eva M. J. Peters , (2017). Hair and stress: A pilot study of hair and cytokine balance alteration in healthy young women under major exam stress.  

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