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Cracking the Code of Aging: How NAD+ Influences Cognitive Decline

Cracking the Code of Aging: How NAD+ Influences Cognitive Decline

Explore the fascinating connection between levels of NAD+ and cognitive aging. Discover how this tiny molecule is making big waves in the research field of  Aging and Longevity.


Here's an introductory brain teaser for you: what do you think is the secret to staying sharp as a tack, even as the candles on your birthday cake keep multiplying?

Is it Sudoku puzzles or Mediterranean diets? Perhaps it's a daily jog around the park?

Sure, these can help, but science is now shining the spotlight on a much smaller, microscopic hero: NAD+.  No, it's not a newfangled gadget or a cryptic code, but a critical coenzyme in our bodies.

The link between this tiny molecule and cognitive aging is becoming increasingly clear, and it's definitely one worth exploring.  [1]

Unmasking the Culprit: Cognitive Aging

Before we dive into the microscopic world of NAD+, let's get to grips with cognitive aging.

As we add more sand to the hourglass of our lives, our brains naturally undergo a series of changes.

This process, known as cognitive aging, can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including memory loss, slowed reaction times, and a decreased attention span.

One of the chief villains in this story is a process called Mitochondrial Dysfunction. [1]        

The mitochondria, lovingly dubbed the powerhouses of our cells, start to falter in their energy production as we age. This lack of energy cripples our brain cells, leading to the symptoms of cognitive decline.

It's a bit like running a marathon with your shoelaces tied together – definitely not ideal!

Enter Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide - NAD+ 

So, where does NAD+ fit into all of this?

To put it simply, NAD+ is to our cells what battery power is to our smartphones. Without it, we'd be in a real fix.

This coenzyme plays a crucial role in energy production, and as such, it's closely linked with our cognitive function. [1]

Research has shown that age-related decline in NAD+ levels contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. [2] But how exactly?

NAD+ and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Detail

As we get on in years, our NAD+ levels naturally dip, and this can lead to a decline in mitochondrial function. 

Imagine trying to run your laptop with a weakened battery – it's not going to be running at peak performance, right? The same goes for our brain cells.

With lower NAD+ levels, our mitochondria can't produce enough energy to keep our brain cells in top shape and performing to their best. [3] 

This is a key step in the chain reactions that lead to cognitive aging. 

The Power of Prevention: Can We Boost NAD+ Levels?

If low NAD+ levels contribute to cognitive aging, then the solution seems simple: let's just boost those levels!

Correct, but this is easier said than done, however there's a promising field of research revolving around this idea.

Certain compounds, like resveratrol and NMN, have been shown to enhance NAD+ production and could potentially slow down cognitive decline. [4] 

A word of caution when considering your readily available NMN and NR supplements. in stark contrast to the single targeted approach of "precursor-only" boosters such as NMN and NR, TIME+ NAD takes a comprehensive approach to increasing NAD+ levels by addressing the root causes of NAD+ decline. 

TIME+ NAD improves the cell's ability to create and recycle NAD+ and has been demonstrated in clinical studies to increase NAD+ levels by 242 % compared to 60 % with standard NMN and NR boosters.


The relationship between NAD+ and cognitive aging opens up exciting possibilities for the future of age-related brain health. 

Although we can't stop the clock on aging, understanding how NAD+ influences cognitive decline could pave the way for preventative measures and treatments.

After all, who says we can't age like fine wine – getting better with every passing year?

Frequently Asked Questions

1 Q: Can we increase NAD+ levels naturally?

  A: While certain foods, like milk and yeast, contain small amounts of NAD+, it's  unclear if dietary changes alone can significantly boost NAD+ levels. However,  regular exercise, fasting and a balanced diet can indirectly support NAD+     production.

2 Q: Does NAD+ supplementation help slow down cognitive aging?

A: Some studies point to the potential benefits of NAD+ supplementation, but more research is needed to confirm these effects in humans.

3 Q: Is NAD+ a cure for aging?

A: Definitely not. Aging is a complex process with many contributing factors.

However, NAD+ plays a crucial role in cellular health and could help mitigate some age-related changes.


[1]   Verdin E. "NAD+ in aging, metabolism, and neurodegeneration." Science, 2015.

[2]   Hou Y, Lautrup S, Cordonnier S, et al. "NAD+ supplementation normalizes key Alzheimer's features and DNA damage responses in a new AD mouse model with introduced DNA repair deficiency." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2018.

[3]   Braidy N, Guillemin GJ, Mansour H, et al. "Age related changes in NAD+ metabolism oxidative stress and Sirt1 activity in Wistar rats." PLoS ONE, 2011.

[4] Rajman L, Chwalek K, Sinclair DA. "Therapeutic Potential of NAD-Boosting Molecules: The In Vivo Evidence." Cell Metabolism, 2018.

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